Friday, July 26, 2013

She's at it again

Every 10 months or so, I think, "You know- I should really start a blog on [insert subject matter]."  Some of you have even maybe been to the couple that I've started with bright-eyed enthusiasm.  If you have, then you know that I topped out at a grand total of 14 posts for the New Years Resolutions blog (I blame Fordham Follies for that one), and an embarrassing 1 post on the Geocaching blog (I blame laziness for that one).*

So this time- no quippy title, no fun blog address.  I assume I'll post a few times every 10 months or so on a different topic each time- whatever my latest obsession is.  In the meantime, here's a video of a crazy goat.

Oh, Buttermilk.  You crazy goat.

FYI- my latest obsession this time is the sourdough starter I'm creating.  Obviously a great topic for a blog, right?  If this were the sourdough blog that I considered starting, this post would probably be titled something like, "It's ALIVE!"  So you're saved from that. 

The next post will likely be a survey of what I should name the starter, so put your thinkin' cap on!!  (If you've got ideas already feel free to add ideas in the comments, but let's be honest- you're probably not reading this post before the next one comes out)

I think that's all I've got for you this time!  I should not be allowed near the internet before I've finished my coffee...


*There may be something wrong with me (I blame law school) in the sense that I just got frustrated that I couldn't figure out how to drop a footnote in my blog post.  Probably some more serious neurosis for wanting to drop a footnote in the first place.**

** The footnote I wanted to drop:  I know Kentucky Jen will be curious, so: Roscoe, the plastic alligator mentioned in the Geocaching blog is alive and well and still packed in some moving box of mine, having never hit the open road.  I still think it's a great concept, so some day when I actually try to move that one along.  That day is not today.